Tuesday, April 22, 2008


An Internet Business Model is when you have a business where you make more money than you spend to make the money in the first place. Also, what you need in order to make your friends believe is an infrastructure, a value proposition and… customers!

For those of you still confused in understanding what in the world is Marketing useful for, here is some insight: according to Kotler “consumers, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organization’s products. The organizations must therefore undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort”. That is when you buy lot more than what you really need, and it’s not even Christmas!!

Technology is only something invented after I was born. Anything else is.. things around, taken as granted.

What is my LTV (Customer Lifetime Value)? Well, depending on my activity level, duration, firm’s retention spending, mainly is how much money I am going to put in your pocket without asking too many questions about discounts, free stuff or some ridiculous complaints. In other words, the more I live, the more I am likely to spend with you, and the less you are going to spend to get me in your life, the high my score is. And it’s probably going to be a high LTV, because I know I am verrrry competitive when it’s about scores!

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