Friday, April 11, 2008


I am a writer, that’s how I was born, and I cannot help myself writing about anything in any language I find handy. There are moments such as when I am in the MKT 595 class (just a random example!), and I get hit by all kinds of ideas, and knowledge comes to me from everywhere. Learning can be painful but more painful is forgetting. I know from experience. That’s the reason I came up with this blog.

Since I got my first computer I forgot to write with pen on paper, everything is somehow related with my laptop. More than that, the Internet became my external memory and I am “his” emotional intelligence. So to speak… Therefore, here I am, online and kicking; trying to keep up with all the knowledge that surrounds me, praying that it's contagious. How? By writing down everything that knocks me down, takes my breath away, makes me smarter, and …can be a good line to impress a job interviewer or some friends. E-marketing related, what did you think??

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